It was a great honour to receive the Portuguese Minister of Defence.
We had the opportunity to present the projects EID is currently developing and the challenges we all aim to achieve in the future.
EID has been integrating and delivering complex software and communication systems for more than 30 years to the Portuguese Armed Forces and Institutions.
As a National Champion in developing, producing and supporting multidomain defence systems, EID looks forward to partnering with Portugal for its strategic Defence Programme in the decades to come. Together with our more than 300 Portuguese suppliers, EID is set to maximise value creation and retention in Portugal.
In our Honour Book Your Excellency left us a more than welcome optimistic message. Thank you!
(on the main photo, from the left: Venancio Lebre, Andy Thomis, Prof. Dr. João Cravinho, Dr. Marco Capitão Ferreira, Frederico Lemos)